Thursday, April 9, 2009


In writing THE NEW VITICULTURE, I wrote the science facts from a memory acquired more than fifty years ago. Unfortunately, memory can fail and, also unfortunately, I failed to check a fact. Happily, that “fact” does not affect actual substance of the arguments.

In the text, I attributed the conceptualization and the naming of “QUANTA” to Einstein in 1905. In fact, it was Max Planck in Berlin in 1900.He also opined that the contained energy in a given quanta was of a definite size and was proportional to the frequency. The proportion is constant. Thus, the higher the frequency, the greater the energy in a packet {the quanta}. The quanta of light came to be commonly called “photons “.

In 1905, Einstein elucidated the photoelectric effect for which he received The Nobel Prize – not for relativity. The photoelectric effect utilizes Planck’s quanta assertions in its analysis.

Of course, who postulated what, and when, has no bearing on the application of those amazing concepts. Those concepts have far reaching implications in understanding plant physiology- much further than those presented in THE NEW VITICULTURE . While it may seem that the nature of light , quanta, photoelectric effect, etc., belong to the exotic world of theoretical physics , I do point out that we farmers work with the one category of organisms that use these very things to manufacture the life sustaining and enabling product----PLANTS.

I apologize for the error.

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